Mar 02

1st Place Smoked Oyster Poutine - Fanny Bay Oyster Bar
Posted by Fanny Bay Oysters
Vancouver’s local foodster is Richard Wolak, who is known for his radio show, but als for the food competitions he hosts across the city. This year was the 6th Annual Poutine Challenge in Vancouver. Executive Chef Chris Andraza chose to showcase our house smoked Fanny Bay Oysters as the main protein in his Poutine, using Postmark Brewing’s Fanny Bay Oyster Stout as the base for his gravy. “I wanted to keep it local, keep it focus on what we do best, oysters.”-Chef Andraza.
Judges for the event included local food bloggers/writers Rick Green, Tara Lee and Kirsty Ip. The judges were presented with our winning combination of Smoked Oyster Poutine and a glass of Postmark Brewing’s Oyster Stout, made with shells from Fanny Bay Oysters. “It was our first go at one of these food challenges and we were really proud to win it with something unique to our location.” – Chef Andraza.
The Smoked Oyster Poutine will be a feature on our daily menu throughout the rest of the spring this year for $15.
To find out more about the Poutine Challenge click here.